How to Double Your Webinar Registrations

3 Effective Ways to Double Webinar Registrations

Does your organization want to  generate brand awareness, engage with prospects and connect with current clients through webinars? 87% of marketers found webinars to be an extremely efficient lead generation strategy. Stand out from the crowd, boost online attendance and double registration with these 3 proven strategies:

#1: Email Marketing 

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Step 1: Through an e-newsletter platform such as MailChimp or Marketo, send a marketing email to your contact list who would be interested in the content the webinar covers.

Step 2: One week later, resend the newsletter to contacts that did-not-open and did-not-click as a friendly reminder.

Step 3: Seal the deal with personalized notes sent directly from the host’s inbox to those who’ve opened the newsletter and clicked on the link, but haven’t yet registered. 


Make the email copy concise with a clear “Register Now” call-to-action. Subscribers want to be able to see what the webinar is all about at-a-glance without digging through paragraphs of text.

Check out Later’s example of short-and-sweet copy: 

#2: Website 

We’ve all heard about the importance of SEO, and it’s no different when it comes to webinar promotion. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be as complicated as “meta-tags” or “absolute URLs!” Simply add a blog post to your company website with the latest updates on: 

  • Webinar content and agenda

  • Registration details

  • Speaker background(s) 

  • About the host organization

#3: Social Media

Use a great visual accompanied by a description about the upcoming webinar in a succinct post. Be sure to tag key accounts of organizations you’d want as attendees or outlets to share the message. To amplify reach even further, boost the post to your webinar’s target audience. 


This is also where your marketing team can get creative and do A/B testing to uncover what ad creative or copy resonates best with the target market!

Videos are an effective medium to attract user attention, especially on LinkedIn. End the post with a clear call-to-action (CTA) that creates a sense of urgency by giving a registration deadline, such as “Registration closes today at 5PM - save your seat: [LINK]” 

See how our client, Purpose Driven ROI, followed these tips: 

ICYMI: Elevate Your Webinars with these 5 Zoom Features

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